The problem with our generation is that we give up on things too early. As we move with time, the situation changes, the things which were a trouble once, will be one thing we love doing.

Beginning with my own story - when Wally (my pet dog) came into my life, initially, I had a lot of mood swings starting with thoughts like, if this was a correct decision; what if he turns out to be a big responsibility, how will I manage it, so on and so forth, as it was a huge task to be home alone with him. Gradually, with time as he grew, he changed, and the situation changed. I love him so much that I can't imagine my life without him. Today, when I look back to that situation, I think it could have been the biggest mistake of my life if I would have had given up on him at that time.
And I think the same thing applies, when it's about a human relationship. We give up when there's a big fight; we give up when we think it cannot be resolved, without communicating, without giving it a second chance. We surrender too quickly and choose our comfort zone over confrontation.
But we are wrong, as it's too soon to let go. At that moment, you just need to trust the bond, recall the passion you initially had to be with each other. And of course if it's not right, the thought of giving up will chase repetitively. That should be the time when you should introspect, take action and decide to move on or get over it.
The conclusion of this belief is to fight for things we love, amend the bond, situation, and if it's hard, try harder. We should always be wise enough to understand when to give up, definitely when it starts getting toxic.